Is It Like This For You?
You step into the cool of the supermarket and the blinding fluorescent lights make you squint your eyes.
You scan the ‘horizon’ and there’s not a single window, just endless packaged items stacked neatly as far as the eye can see.
Your eyes are drawn to thousands of labels with numbers like $4.79 and bright yellow writing enticing you to ‘save’.
You wanna get in and out but you also don’t wanna forget anything.
So you grab a trolley and start making your way through every aisle.
You start reading labels and checking prices.
How do you avoid vegetable oils, preservatives and artificial crap without breaking the bank?
Your eyes strain from the lights, labels and cool air.
Eventually you get tired and say “stuff it”, you start putting all the familiar products in your trolley and rush to the checkout.
You swipe your card and try not to think about how expensive everything is now…
Then it’s time to load the car, fight traffic and haul your bounty home.
As you’re packing everything into the fridge you notice all the plastic. Even the potatoes come in their own little plastic packet!
Half of what you bought isn’t made in Australia and those damn vegetable oils are in EVERYTHING!
When you sit down to dinner it all tastes bland.
The meat lacks flavour, plus it’s tough and chewy.
The vegetables are just “meh”.
“I swear food used to taste better?” you think.
You eat your entire plate of food but you’re still hungry.
What’s going on?
You see, the nutrient quality of our food is deteriorating every year.
That means an apple today isn’t as nutritious as an apple 10 years ago…
Industrial farming requires farmers to squeeze as much as they can out of the land at the expense of next year.
Higher yields mean richer profits but poorer nutrition.
Today’s fruit and vegetables look nothing like they did a century ago.
And most of the processed foods we eat today didn’t exist in our parent’s day.
So where do you turn for food that’s full of flavour and nutrients?
Fortunately, some Aussie livestock farmers are farming in ‘traditional’ ways producing delicious and nutritious food.
Their animals roam free, regenerating the land and encouraging biodiversity.
Feeding on the abundant variety of grasses in their paddocks, not grain shipped in from monocropping operations.
These animals transform grasses into the nutrients humans need to thrive
There’s nothing better for us than quality animal protein and fat!
Grass fed and finished meat has the flavour you crave and the nutrients you need.
If you’re sick and tired of swapping your hard earned dollars for nutrient poor food that tastes ‘meh’ then McKenzie’s Meats is here to help!
Get started by purchasing your first meat box of grass fed and finished meat today.
(I took this photo at Charlie Arnott's farm Hanamino where I just completed his 2 day course with Hamish Mackay called Introduction to Biodynamics)